Monday, March 08, 2004

Yesterday, I heard from my spinning student. After another class with me last week, she was spinning some rather thick singles, but I could tell she was getting the technique down and just needed some time to refine her skills. Anyway, she e-mailed me to tell me she has ordered an Ashford Traveller, and that it should arrive in about a week. I am really excited for her. I think she made a good choice.

At the risk of sounding like I am repeating an urban legend, which is not the case, I am relaying this story. A fellow pharmacist that we know went to a nail place and got a pedicure. He let them cut the callouses off his feet. Seems he got a horrible infection from this and ended up having to have most of one leg amputated. He does not have diabetes or any other condition which would have caused this problem. Let me tell you - I think this is really scary stuff. I have had a pedicure before, and all they did was take one of those little cube things like an emory board and do a little bit of scraping. So whatever you do, dear readers, do not let anyone cut on your feet!! This is a tragedy that didn't have to happen.