Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Mostly spinning stuff... Last night I finished spinning the last of a purple/blue/red/silver mix of colonial wool and decided to start working on some delightful wool/silk/angora blend in blue, red, green and pink. The single that resulted did not look like much, but when I let it ply naturally back on itself, I saw its true potential. It is going to be very soft and the bright colors are going to be not so much of a wild riot, but rather a rich impressionistic blend. Now I wish I had bought more than one pound of the stuff. Whatever I decide to use it for, it is going to be fabulous. I am certainly not saying this to boast of my feeble efforts as a spinner, but rather to comment on the genius of whoever decided to prepare the fiber in the manner it is prepared.

In knitting, I am still working on the afghan panel for the guild. I am really enjoying it. It has a chevron block repeating with a cable block. I am not sure why I put off knitting cables for so long, but now I seem to be in it full force, what with the top down raglan and now this. I am really loving doing them. Also, I found a vest pattern in an old issue of Cast On that someone brought to the guild meeting on Saturday for give away, and you guessed it... it is also cables. Also, interestingly enough, it was designed by the lady who judged my Master Knitter Level 1 work, so now I feel obligated to try her pattern. (Don't ask how Level 2 is coming, as it is not even off the ground - I haven't even ordered it )