Thursday, January 22, 2004

Weirdo stuff, but not knitting......

This is what happened last night. I am just telling the facts, not doing any speculation over what it was we saw.

My husband and I were upstairs, and I kept hearing this very loud noise, like an airplane was flying too low over our house. It would come, and then go. After about 20 or 30 minutes of this occurring, perhaps 3 or 4 times, I finally said "What is that, anyway?" My husband went downstairs and outside to investigate. He called excitedly to me to come down there. Most of the excitement was over by the time I got there, but I saw the tail end of it. There were some very bright lights in the sky, kind of reminiscent of headlights or floodlights, and appeared to be very big, even at the distance we were from them. They appeared about the same time the noise began again. They formed an arc. We have no clue what we saw, but my husband said that before I got down there, there were several, and they came on in sequence and formed a circular pattern. Any readers have any idea what we saw??
All I know, is that I have never seen anything like it.

Progress on the Sakiori vest is slowing, as I have to spin up some more yarn before continuing.