Friday, April 09, 2004

I've been dyeing. While everyone else is dyeing eggs, I am dyeing yarn. I picked gold, green and purple for my colors and dyed yarn for a pair of entrelac socks. This is the first time I have tried rainbow dyeing by hanging the yarn over a wooden dowel. It worked really well, but I have to say, it took me all day (on and off) to finish. I dyed small skeins - one of each color. I would put a small skein in the bottom of the pot and let 1/3 of the large skein of yarn hang into the dyebath. When it simmered and cooled, I rinsed them out and repeated the procedure with another color, another small skein and the next third of the big skein. Well, you get the idea! I have taken a couple of pictures, but they are not uploaded to the computer yet.

We have no real plans for this Easter weekend. Stay at home, catch up on some stuff and go to church on Sunday.