Monday, November 10, 2003

Well, doesn't it look like it is time for me to start knitting again?

The old spinning basket is getting full, plus there is plenty more yarn upstairs. Is it possible that rovings can send out a siren song?

Today went a little better than expected, considering the start I got. First thing, I had a message on my voice mail to call one of my clients. I was expecting a messy problem, but it just ended up being a medium sized one. However, it delayed my departure for work, since it involved receiving and returning a fax. Well, I got that little duty all nicely tied up and got ready to leave when I noticed there was a small lizard on the floor of my kitchen. Not wanting to particularly touch the thing, I tried to coax it onto a piece of paper. It ended up scooting into the living room, where the paper manuever was tried again, this time forcing the critter under the couch. When he got to the back, where I was able to shoo him again, he finally bounded into the bathroom, then the bathroom closet, where he was finally corned and jumped onto my pants leg. I heaved myself up and took both of us outside where he got shaken off. We both sighed in relief. By this time, I had wasted 30 minutes. But, like I said, the rest of the day went okay.