Sunday, February 15, 2004

Thanks to all you lovelies who left such gracious comments about my vest. I admire the work all of you do, and your compliments really touch and encourage me. I am always so happy to see everyone's pictures of their projects. I love the fellowship of meeting with other knitters, seeing their work, feeling it, oohing and aahing over it, etc. - well you get the general idea. I only get to do this about once a month, so it is so great to see all of my cyberfriends' stuff. Now, back to knitting, spinning, knitting, spinning. I am only trying to ply enough yarn to finish the vest, as hopefully, if I 2-ply the rest of it, I will be able to make a pair of matching socks. I tried the "steam setting" of the yarn, as is being discussed today on the KR Forum. I am here to tell you - it works, too! It was a wonderful hint at this stage of my vest. I didn't have to wait for the yarn to dry.