Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Whoo Hoo!! She opened the door a crack, and I stuck my foot in! Elayne mentioned she might "like" to blog, and now I have talked her into it!! Her page is going to be a great addition to the knitting bloggers community. Take a look at ImagiKnit. Be sure to especially note the picture of Miss KnitWise.
This was a piece she did in intarsia on size 0000 needles. Ambitious lady!

While in Augusta, I picked up a copy of Spinning Designer Yarns by Diane Varney. I have resisted this temptation for months, telling myself I did not need it since I have not one, but two videos dealing with creating designer yarns. I am really glad I gave in though, as she covers all aspects of design: color, plying, fiber selection, carding, color blending, specialty yarns, etc.! A small book, but very nice.