Tuesday, November 11, 2003

So why does this always seem to happen? Last night I was spinning some handpainted (space dyed) roving. It is mainly turquoise, orange red and deep burgundy, but has some delightful patches of a light mauve which really set off the yarn that is spun. (I know, the color combination sounds hideous, but actually spun up it is very nice) Anyhow, when I got to the light mauve stuff, my yarn broke and the end got buried. Very rarely do I have to cut anything off a bobbin, but I did in this case, thus messing up the very nice mauve accent - I am trying to salvage/recycle that part, because it is essential to jazz up the yarn, in my opinion. But why couldn't this occur with the blues/turquoise/burgundy, of which there is ample supply? Do Murphy's Laws apply to spinning too?