Peculiar, but I am not sure how much I enjoy spinning silk. Yes, the colors are absolutely fabulous (hand dyed roving ranging from magenta, turquoise, lavender, copper, red, bright blue, olives, golds) and the heavenly soft stuff just seems to flow through my hands, but it seems that I get tired of spinning it very quickly. I wonder what undercurrents are at work to cause me to feel this way? Am I just so accustomed to working with wool that I have already become set in my spinnerly ways?
Or is it frustration that I am seemingly unable to maintain that uniform quality in the single that I so desire? Or am I spinning to an entirely different cadence? Somehow, it is just not as comfortable or relaxing. Maybe it is time to make a new friend, though. I know it will knit up as a wonderful scarf.
Much thanks to Catherine for prodding me on my clog journey. I have started the second one. And I love the picture of hers she has posted on her blog, Bossy Little Dog (see link at right).