Sunday, November 02, 2003
Fibertherapy. What I love about knitting and spinning, aside from the obvious of handling luscious, fibers,yarns and seeing a project through to completion, is the journey itself. A chance to meet talented fiber enthusiasts - both in person and through fourms and blogs. Everyone is so willing to share their ideas and enthusiasm! It is so much fun to chat and to browse through pictures and take virtual journeys into all kinds of projects. And speaking of virtual journeys, my knitting always takes me to unexpected places. While I never expect to make a trip to Europe (unless I obtain a huge surprise windfall), I can easily transport myself to Italy, Germany, etc. by using some yarn that was made there. And pair that with needles from Australia, New Zealand or India, and I am a veritable world traveler. And my journey today is taking me to the Orient, as spinning silk evokes those particular senses, even though the Interlacements roving was obtained from Barbara at Stony Mountain Fibers