Take one giant step... Mother, May I?
Remember that childhood game? Well, I am taking one without asking and hope you will grant me leniency.
For some time now, I have been thinking of doing a total blog makeover. This means a new host, new address, new look and new name. You may be wondering why I would do this.
1. The current blog template is fiddly to work with, especially with a Mac. I do not think this program is all that Apple friendly. I want to be able to change the page color, font style and color with ease and place add ons to my page without a huge and confusing (to me) template to wade through.
2. I have been wanting a 3 column template and a more sleek look for some time now.
3. My son teases me mercilessly about the name of my page continually. Thankfully, he has been kind and has not criticized the layout. (I am sure he is biting his tongue on this one, being a graphic design graduate student).
So, my dear friends, today is moving day. I would welcome one and all of you to my new "parlor" to learn of all my adventures. My new address is:
Yarn's the Word
Whew, this is harder than announcing an e-mail change