Oh no, a senior moment!
First of all, I forgot about Knitty Gritty coming on today. When I finally remembered, the 10 o'clock show was already over with. Aha!! Now I noticed it also would come on at 3 pm. Unfortunately, I had to be somewhere. Well, I dug around in tapes frantically trying to find one that would be suitable for recording over. Then, I could not figure out the stupid VCR. (I only play with one of them about once or twice a year.) I could not program it. Finally, Phillip came to the rescue by just hitting the OTR button (now why didn't I think of that?). We got back, and I was all set to watch the show... and you guessed it... I taped the wrong TV station. Arghhhhh. Well, tomorrow is another day - IF I can remember that it comes on again and IF I don't mess anything up. I know it is supposed to be sort of a beginner type show, but I am interested in seeing all the guest hosts, etc., and I always seem to pick up something I didn't know even with the simplest books, etc.