No knitting (or little knitting, in this case) makes Carolyn a dull girl. I haven't been able to stick to any one project for long this month. I am still working on the first sock of the Weaver's wool pair I started at the first of the month. But, I did make some progress last night and am finally working the toe portion. I need to go to an inspirational knitting meeting, I suppose. I won't be getting that this month (or even a visit to my knitting guild meeting). I keep switching the yarns I am spinning, also. I just can't seem to settle down and get anything "produced" lately.
On a better note, though, Bill brought me a knitting book home from his most recent trip to Augusta. Without consulting me, he managed to pick out a very good one (and one that I do not already have). It is Montse Stanley's book. I did not realize what a wealth of information is contained in that particular volume and am really glad for the new addition. Oh, and speaking of books, Elayne managed to buy a particularly fascinating one the last time we met in Jacksonville. It is Knitting on the Edge by Nicky Epstein. Has anyone else seen this totally awesome volume? Now, there IS inspiration.