Friday, March 05, 2004

Seems I am getting behind in blogging, but here's what is going on. I can go 2 or 3 months without this happening, then it just arrives like a bolt out of the blue. Around 9pm or so, I am just out for the count. I get so sleepy, I can hardly stand it. Usually, I am up until about midnight. I go through this particular cycle for about a week, then it disappears as mysteriously as it appears. I know they say you can never really "catch up" on sleep, but I really think that is what is having to happen with me.

And here is another picture or so:

This is part of the Menendez parade.

And here are some more spinners. The lady in the very front is Nancy, who talked me into coming to the Spin In. I am so glad she did!

My knitting has suddenly become very aimless. What I need is an inspiring project to tackle. I am test knitting a translated pattern for Civil War Socks, but it is going slowly at this point. I am currently spinning some very nice Falkland Wool. It is white, so I have to decide how I want to dye it.