Okay, now to get down to fiberly business! One of the current projects I am working on is a carding experiment. I am carding some hand dyed merino into some grey Border Leicester. I have about 4 pounds of the Border Leicester and am always looking out for ways to use it. I also always use it when doing my spinning experiments. Hopefully, this yarn will go into a knitted Einstein jacket. So far, I am only working with 2 colors of merino, but I plan on dyeing all sorts of colors to incorporate into this project. This is my first use of the handcards I purchased at the Fall Fiber Festival. I am getting better with them, but am still pretty slow. I feel like I need about 14 hands for this operation. Anyhow, it may take me a year or so to complete the entire project, but I think I will be very happy with the final results.
I am also thinking of ways to use yarn that was spun from the same handpainted roving, but doesn't exactly match. I have some that is purple, blue and green which ranges from light lavender and light mint to a much deeper purple/ blue. So far, these are my ideas: 1. Start with the darkest, and knit up into the lighter ranges, 2. Knit a group of several rows with alternating skeins of yarn 3. Incorporate them randomly, but do a slip stitch mosaic with a darkish contrasting yarn to pull it all together. 4. Use it in a domino pattern with a contrasting yarn. I will definitely do some swatching before deciding on how to use it.
Well, I haven't done any spinning in almost 48 hours and my hands are beginning to itch.............